Pet Odor Removal

Southeast Minnesota & West Wisconsin's Finest Pet Odor Removal Process

pet odor removal in southeast minnesota West wisconsin

Depending on the severity of the problem, pet odors can be controlled or eliminated successfully. Every situation is different so we will evaluate the problem and then proceed with the appropriate method.

We don’t just mask the odor. That is a temporary fix. We need to attack and remove the source. For urine that has penetrated the carpet into the backing and pad, we are able to saturate the carpet with a solution that attacks the odor and then sub-surface extract. This removes the problem from under the carpet without having to pull up the carpet and pad. Only in severe situations will we advise pulling back the carpet and removing the pad in the affected area, cleaning and sealing the floor, and replacing with new pad. Most of the time this does not need to be done.

If you have a stinky problem you want to get rid of, give us a call and we will do everything we can to help!